
Yuma Takahashi, Ph.D.
Associate professor
Graduate School of Science, Chiba University
Research interests
There are many levels of life phenomena, including genes, cells, tissues, individuals, populations, communities, and ecosystems. At each level, qualitative and quantitative changes in organisms are observed at various time scales, such as ontogeny and behavioral scales, ecological scale, microevolutionary scale, and macroevolutionary scale. Much of the researches have tended to be confined to each level and each time scale. My goal is to propose a new, smart, integrated view of life and its theoretical framework that seamlessly connects these hierarchies and time scales. Specifically, we are conducting research that links genetic variation with behavioral interactions, evolutionary dynamics, ecological dynamics, and macroevolutionary dynamics, as well as research that links gene expression variation with developmental fluctuations, phenotypic plasticity, microevolution, and macroevolution, and research that links stochastic evolution with adaptive evolution and ecological dynamics. We also focus on urbanization, seasonal variation, and biological clocks to clarify the rapid adaptation and their genetic basis. We aim to achieve a deeper understanding of life phenomena through fieldwork, ecological experiments, meta-analysis, phylogenetic comparison, statistical analysis, genome editing, and reverse reinforcement learning (machine learning) and transomics analyses.
- Evolution of intraspecific diversity (personality and polymorphism) (damselfly, Drosophila)
- Scale-up effects of intraspecific diversity on population dynamics (Drosophila)
- Migration load and the evolution of species ranges
- Lack of genetic diversity and the evolution of species ranges (freshwater snail)
- Alignment of covariation of multiple traits in the different scales and the prediction of micro- and macroevolution (Drosophila)
- Rapid evolution against seasonal environmental heterogeneity (Drosophila)
- Genome editing and genetic basis of behavioral syndrome (Drosophila)
- Genetic basis of sexual polymorphism (damselfly)
- Evolution of circatidal rhythm and brackish water adaptation (freshwater snail)
- Evolutionary and plastic responses to urbanization
- Analysis of movement behavior with inverse reinforcement learning
- Morphogeometric analysis for the wing evolution in Odonata.

- Takahashi, Y. and M. Watanabe (2009) Diurnal changes and frequency dependence in male mating preference for female morphs in the damselfly, Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Entomological Science, 12: 219–226.
- Takahashi, Y. and M. Watanabe (2010) Diurnal changes in male mate preference to female dimorphism in Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur) (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica, 39: 145–148.
- Takahashi, Y. and M. Watanabe (2010) Female reproductive success is affected by selective male harassment in the damselfly Ischnura senegalensis. Animal Behaviour, 79: 211–216.
- Takahashi, Y. and M. Watanabe (2010) Mating experience affecting male discrimination between sexes and female morphs in Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur) (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica, 39: 47–56.
- Takahashi, Y. and M. Watanabe (2010) Morph-specific fecundity and egg size in the female-dimorphic damselfly Ischnura senegalensis. Zoological Science, 27: 325–329.
- Takahashi, Y., J. Yoshimura, S. Morita and M. Watanabe (2010) Negative frequency-dependent selection in female color polymorphism of a damselfly. Evolution, 64: 3620–3628
- Takahashi, Y. and M. Watanabe (2011) Male mate choice based on ontogenetic colour changes of females in the damselfly Ischnura senegalensis. Journal of Ethology, 29: 293–299.
- Takahashi, Y., S. Morita, J. Yoshimura and M. Watanabe (2011) A Geographic cline induced by negative frequency-dependent selection. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 11: 256.
- Takahashi, Y., G. Morimoto and M. Watanabe (2012) Ontogenetic colour change in females as a function of antiharassment strategy. Animal Behaviour, 84: 685–692.
- Takahashi, Y. and M. Watanabe (2013) Time constraints related to sexual maturation and prolonged copulation in the female-dimorphic damselfly Ischnura senegalensis. Entomological Science, 16: 34–39.
- Takahashi, Y. and M. Kawata (2013) A comprehensive test for negative frequency-dependent selection. Population Ecology, 55: 499–509.
- Takahashi, Y. and M. Kawata (2013) Alternative trait combinations and secondary resource partitioning in sexually selected colour polymorphism. Ecology and Evolution, 3: 2038–2046.
- Takahashi, Y., N. Nagata and M. Kawata (2014) Antagonistic selection factors induce a continuous population divergence in a polymorphism. Heredity, 112: 391–398.
- Takahashi, Y., K. Kagawa, E. I. Svensson and M. Kawata (2014) Evolution of increased phenotypic diversity enhances population performance by reducing sexual harassment in damselflies, Nature Communications, 5: 4468. (Nature Communications Biology Selections, Vol. 1, No. 5)
- Katayama, N., J. K. Abbott, J. Kjærandsen, Y. Takahashi and E. I. Svensson (2014) Sexual selection on wing interference patterns in Drosophila melanogaster, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111: 15144–15148.
- Takahashi, Y. (2015) Mechanisms and tests for geographic clines in genetic polymorphisms. Population Ecology, 57: 355-362.
- Takahashi, Y., K. Takakura and M. Kawata (2015) Flower color polymorphism maintained by overdominant selection in Sisyrinchium sp. Journal of Plant Research, 128: 933–939.
- Takahashi, Y., Y. Suyama, Y. Matsuki, R. Funayama, K. Nakayama, M. Kawata (2016) Lack of genetic variation prevents adaptation at the geographic range margin in a damselfly. Molecular Ecology, 25: 4450–4460.
- Takahashi Y., K. Takakura and M. Kawata (2016) Spatial distribution of flower color induced by interspecific sexual interaction PLoS ONE 11: e0164381
- Bybee, S., A. Córdoba-Aguilar, M. C. Duryea, R. Futahashi, B. Hansson, O. Lorenzo-Carballa, R. Schilder, R. Stoks, A. Suvorov, E. Svensson, J. Swaegers, Y. Takahashi, P. C. Watts and M. Wellenreuther (2016) Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) as a bridge between ecology and evolutionary genomics. Frontiers in Zoology, 13:46
- Takahashi, Y. (2017) Genome-wide population genetic analysis identifies evolutionary forces establishing continuous population divergence. Ecological Research 32: 461-468. (Award paper)
- Takahashi, Y., R. Tanaka, D. Yamamoto, S. Noriyuki and M. Kawata (2018) Balanced genetic diversity improves population fitness. Proc. R. Soc. B, 285: 20172045.
- Takahashi, M., Y. Takahashi and M. Kawata (2019) Candidate genes associated with color morphs of female-limited polymorphisms of the damselfly Ischnura senegalensis. Heredity, 122: 81–92
- Takahashi, Y. and S. Noriyuki (2019) Color polymorphism influences species’ range and extinction risk. Biology Letters, 15: 20190228
- Gutiérrez-Ortega, J. S. , M. M. Salinas-Rodríguez, T. Ito, M. A. Pérez-Farrera, A. P. Vovides, J. F. Martínez, F. Molina-Freaner, A. Hernández-López, L. Kawaguchi, A. J Nagano, T. Kajita, Y. Watano, T. Tsuchimatsu, Y. Takahashi and M. Murakami (2020) Niche conservatism promotes speciation in cycads: the case of Dioon merolae (Zamiaceae) in Mexico. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.16647.
- Yamamichi, M., D. Kyogoku, R. Iritani, K. Kobayashi, Y. Takahashi, K. Tsurui-Sato, A. Yamawo, S. Dobata, K. Tsuji and M. Kondoh (2020) Intraspecific adaptation load: a mechanism for species coexistence. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 35: 897–907.
- Yokomizo, T. and Y. Takahashi (2020) Changes in transcriptomic response to salinity stress induce the brackish water adaptation in a freshwater snail, Scientific Reports, 10: 16049.
- Ueno, T. and Y. Takahashi (2020) Intra-population genetic variation in the level and rhythm of daily activity in Drosophila immigrans. Ecology and Evolution, 10: 14388-14393.
- Gutiérrez-Ortega, J. S., F. Molina-Freaner, J. F. Martínez, M. A. Pérez-Farrera, A. P. Vovides, A. Hernández-López, A. Tezuka, A. J. Nagano, Y. Watano, Takahashi, M. Murakami and T. Kajita (2021) Speciation along a latitudinal gradient: The origin of the Neotropical cycad sister pair Dioon sonorense–D. vovidesii (Zamiaceae). Ecology and Evolution, 11: 6962-6976.
- Ueno, T. and Y. Takahashi (2021) Mitochondrial polymorphism shapes intrapopulation behavioural variation in wild Drosophila. Biology Letters, 17: 20210194.
- Deng, J., G. Assandri, P. Chauhan, R. Futahashi, A. Galimberti, B. Hansson, L. T. Lancaster, Y. Takahashi, E. I. Svensson, A. Duplouy (2021) Wolbachia-driven selective sweep in a range expanding insect species. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 21: 181.
- Takahashi, M., G. Okude, R. Futahashi, Y. Takahashi, M. Kawata (2021) The effect of the doublesex gene in body color masculinization of the damselfly Ischnura senegalensis.Biology Letters, 17: 20200761.
- Tamagawa, K., K. Yoshida, S. Ohrui, Y. Takahashi (2022) Population transcriptomics reveals the effect of gene flow on the evolution of range limits. Scientific Reports, 12: 1318.
- Sato, A and Y. Takahashi (2022) Responses in thermal tolerance and daily activity rhythm to urban stress in Drosophila suzukii. Ecology and Evolution, 12: e9616.
- Yokomizo, T. and Y. Takahashi (2022) Endogenous rhythm variation and adaptation to the tidal environment in the freshwater snail, Semisulcospira reiniana. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 1078234. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.1078234
- Sato, Y. Y. Takahashi, C. Xu, Kentaro K. Shimizu (2023) Detecting frequency-dependent selection through the effects of genotype similarity on fitness components, Evolution, qpad028,
- Miyaji Award, Ecological Society of Japan
- Population Ecology Young Scientist Award
- Japan Ethological Society Award
- Young Scientist Award of the Ecological Society of Japan (Suzuki Award) (2013)
- AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science (2011–2013, AAAS)
- Poster Presentation Award (Society of Population Ecology)
- Poster Presentation Award (Ecological Society of Japan)
- Outstanding Presentation Award (5th WDA International Symposium of Odonatology)
Works and Education
Work Experience
2008.04–2010.11 | JSPS Research Fellow (DC1) at University of Tsukuba
2010.12–2011.03 | JSPS Research Fellow (PD) at University of Tsukuba
2011.04–2013.03 | JSPS Research Fellow (PD) at Tohoku University
2013.04–2016.07 | Assistant Professor at Tohoku University
2013.04–2021.07 | Assistant Professor at Chiba university
2021.08–present | Associate Professor at Chiba university
2002. 4–2006. 3 | B.Sc. (Univrsity of Tsukuba)
2006. 4–2010. 11 | Ph.D. (Univrsity of Tsukuba)
Faculty of Science, Chiba University, Japan
1-33, Yayoicho, Inage, Chiba, Chiba, 263-8522 Japan
takahashi.yum”at” (“at” <− @)